(Documentaire sur l'armée française à l'Indochine, TF1)
« J'ai vu ce que la France a réalisé en Indochine, une œuvre grande, utile et féconde. »
(Albert Sarrault, Gouverneur Général de l'Indochine, 1919)
Parcequ'elle était la plus riche, la plus peuplée et la plus fascinante des colonies françaises on l'appelait " la perle de l'Empire ".
Pendant des années, elle a fait rêver des générations d'écoliers qui, sur leurs cartes de géographie, apprenaient par cœur les noms exotiques de ces pays lointains auxquels on avait donné le nom d'Indochine. Les royaumes du Cambodge et du Laos et les trois provinces du Viêt-nam : le Tonkin, l'Annam et la Cochinchine.
Évangélisée par des missionnaires français dès le début du XVIIe siècle, découverte et conquise par des marins qui s'appelaient Rigault de Genouilly, La Grandière, Doudart de Lagrée, Auguste Pavie ou Francis Garnier, l'Indochine a profondément marqué le destin de deux peuples dont l'Histoire commune s'est arrêtée en 1954, au lendemain de la bataille de Diên Biên Phu.
C'était la fin d'un siècle de présence française en Extrême-Orient.
- Aventure en Indochine 1946-1954 :
- Geneva Conference (1954) :
Ce film, réalisé à la manière d'un journal et avec de nombreuses images d'archives, est un hommage aux troupes françaises, retraçant les opérations militaires au sud de Hanoï, d'octobre à décembre 1953 et surtout la bataille de Diên Biên Phu en 1954.
Les forces françaises s'opposent à la rebellion Viêt-minh, au cours de très nombreuses et violentes escarmouches. La population civile est touchée, les armées comptent leurs blessés et leurs morts. A partir de novembre 1953 est établi le camp militaire de Diên Biên Phu (parachutage d'hommes -- ceux du 6e BPC notamment, de matériels et de munitions, aménagement d'une piste d'atterrissage). Reconnaissances et attaques dans ce secteur se succèdent jusqu'à l'offensive Viêt-minh dans la nuit du 13 au 14 mars 1954. La contre-attaque française reste vaine face aux tirs et aux assauts ennemis. Le 6 mai, la base est conquise ; les prisonniers et victimes français sont nombreux.
Réalisateur : Bernard Orcel
Date de publication : Août 1987
Réalisateur : Bernard Orcel
Date de publication : Août 1987
-VIDEO :La petite Tonkinoise_
Des photographies de 1885 d'une qualité exceptionnelle pour cette chanson de 1906, connue d'au moins quatre générations...

Des photographies de 1885 d'une qualité exceptionnelle pour cette chanson de 1906, connue d'au moins quatre générations...
-VIDEO : La bataille du Tonkin
Les assauts répétés du Viêt-minh qui font rage au Tonkin en octobre 1950, menacent Hanoï, la capitale. Devant la gravité de la situation, le général de Lattre, haut-commissaire et commandant en chef en Extrême-Orient, est envoyé en décembre 1950 en Indochine. En un mois, il rétablit la situation en rassemblant des forces neuves, en redonnant le moral au corps expéditionnaire, en remportant la bataille de Vinh Yen (janvier 1951), et en convainquant les alliés anglo-américains d'aider la France à défendre le Viêtnam. Le général Lawton-Collins, chef d'état-major de l'armée américaine, rend visite au maréchal et lui prouve son soutien en faisant livrer du matériel.
Les combats durent toute l'année 1951 dans les secteurs de Dong-Trieu, de Mao-Khê en mars, de Phuly-Nam-Dinh en juin puis de Hoa-Binh en novembre.
Le fils du général de Lattre tombe dans ces combats, et le général lui-même meurt quelques temps après.
Les images de la bataille du Tonkin défilent sans commentaire, soutenues par la musique de Wagner, qui intensifie le drame des événements. Les tirs de canons et de chars, les bombardements, la progression des soldats à travers les marécages, les parachutages, le débarquement des troupes (depuis des LCT), illustrent le combat, qui se solde par des prisonniers vietnamiens, des blessés, des morts, des incendies.
Puis, le commentateur explique qu'après la défaite de l'ennemi, les troupes des regroupements administratifs mobiles doivent désormais rétablir la paix, protéger et soigner la population, permettre la reprise des activités agricoles, principalement la culture du riz, et la reconstruction du pays.
La cérémonie des honneurs, en présence du général Salan et d'officiers français, illustre la continuité de l'oeuvre du général de Lattre. Levés par ce dernier, les jeunes soldats de la nouvelle armée vietnamienne, sur lesquels reposent désormais l'avenir et la défense du pays, participent à cette manifestation.
Les combats durent toute l'année 1951 dans les secteurs de Dong-Trieu, de Mao-Khê en mars, de Phuly-Nam-Dinh en juin puis de Hoa-Binh en novembre.
Le fils du général de Lattre tombe dans ces combats, et le général lui-même meurt quelques temps après.
Les images de la bataille du Tonkin défilent sans commentaire, soutenues par la musique de Wagner, qui intensifie le drame des événements. Les tirs de canons et de chars, les bombardements, la progression des soldats à travers les marécages, les parachutages, le débarquement des troupes (depuis des LCT), illustrent le combat, qui se solde par des prisonniers vietnamiens, des blessés, des morts, des incendies.
Puis, le commentateur explique qu'après la défaite de l'ennemi, les troupes des regroupements administratifs mobiles doivent désormais rétablir la paix, protéger et soigner la population, permettre la reprise des activités agricoles, principalement la culture du riz, et la reconstruction du pays.
La cérémonie des honneurs, en présence du général Salan et d'officiers français, illustre la continuité de l'oeuvre du général de Lattre. Levés par ce dernier, les jeunes soldats de la nouvelle armée vietnamienne, sur lesquels reposent désormais l'avenir et la défense du pays, participent à cette manifestation.
Indochina War: the Battle for Tonkin - ECPAD :
-VIDEO : La Légion Etrangère en Indochine
« La Légion Étrangère a payé un lourd tribut pour la défense et la pacification de l'Indochine. Ce documentaire de la chaine franco-allemande ARTE retrace leur épopée en Extrême-Orient au travers des souvenirs d'anciens Légionnaires allemands. »
" French Foreign Legion paid a heavy tribute for the defense and the pacification of Indochina. This documentary from the german and french channel ARTE redraw its action in Far-East through memories of former german Legionnaries.
" French Foreign Legion paid a heavy tribute for the defense and the pacification of Indochina. This documentary from the german and french channel ARTE redraw its action in Far-East through memories of former german Legionnaries.
- Đây là những Hình Ảnh chân thực của Dân chúng miền Bắc sống dứơi chế độ Cộng Sản :
-Mời xem VIDEO : Hà Nội 1974_British Pathé

-VIDEO :Le CAFI : Les oubliés d'Indochine du Camp de Sainte-Livrade_(2014)
- Việt Nam 1938 - 1955 và cuộc đấu tố địa chủ ( ̣in color ) :
Xem phim xưa để nhớ Hà Nội: Kiếp Hoa (1953)- Phim Việt Nam đầu tiên được thu tiếng_Diễn viên nữ chính trong phim này là Kim Chung và Kim Xuân.
1989 - The Collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe
1989 was a year that changed the face of Europe. Communism collapsed in Eastern European countries and the Iron Curtain wasdismantled.
In Poland, the largest Communist country apart from the Soviet Union, the free trade union Solidarity got more and more support from thepopulation. In the June 1989 national elections Solidarity won the majority of seats in the Senate. As a result, Poland became the first Soviet satellite state to have a non-communist Prime Minister. A year later Solidarity leader Lech Walesa was elected Poland's first democratic President.
In 1988 Communist Hungary started making it easier for its own citizens to travel to the west. In May 1989 it started to tear down its barbed wire and metal fences along the border to Austria. East Germans, who were allowed to travel to Communist countries but not to the west,took advantage of Hungary’s move. In the summer of 1989 thousands of East Germans traveled to Hungary for their holidays. They never went back and escaped to West Germany through Austria.
In September Hungary's Foreign Minister declared that it would not stop the thousands of East Germans who were going to Austria.
At the beginning of October Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachew visited Berlin for East Germany’s 40th anniversary. During thesecelebrations East German citizens demonstrated on the streets of Berlin and other cities. They demonstrated for freedom and the right to leave Communist Germany. Gorbachew warned the Communist leaders not to ignore the rights of the population.
The Iron Curtain - Free countries of Western Europe are blue, Communist countries of Eastern Europe are red,Yugoslavia was bloc-free
As the protest movement got stronger East German television announced on November 9, 1989 that all citizens were free to travel to West Germany. Within hours thousands passed the border at the Brandenburg Gate and other official border crossings in Berlin. A day laterbulldozers started tearing down the Berlin Wall, which had been built in 1961 to stop East Germans from escaping to the West.
East Germany's communist leader Erich Honnecker did not realize that everything was over. Within a few months he and other communist leaders were removed from office and on October 3, 1990 East and West Germany joined to become one nation.
In autumn of 1989 unrest and rioting spread to Czechoslovakia. The weeks of demonstrations and protest were called the VelvetRevolution. In the end the whole communist government had to resign. At Prague's Wenceslas Square 200 000 people celebrated freedom and the collapse of Communism. The leader of the movement, dissident and playwright Vaclav Havel became president of Czechoslovakia.
In December 1989 protests erupted in communist Romania. Thousands of people started demonstrating in the streets and tearing down posters of Communist dictator Nicolai Ceausescu. Ceausescu ordered the police and the army to crush the protests. Dozens were killed in a wave of violence.
But as protests became even stronger the army started to support the demonstrators. Ceausescu and his wife fled Bucharest by helicopter. They were captured a few hours later by army soldiers and kept prisoners for three days. On Christmas Day Ceausescu and his wife were put on trial at a military base. They were found guilty by a people's court and executed on the same day.
Bulgaria's change to freedom occurred without violence. Its communist leader Zhivkov stepped down after 34 years in power. In the weeks before anti-communist protests swept throughout the country. A few months later the first free elections were held in Bulgaria.
West Germans on the Berlin Wall in 1989
- Cộng Sản Là Gì ?
1-Tổng Thống Nga Dmitry Medvedev:
Stalin was a killer
Stalin was a killer
Stalin là tên giết người (ngày 15.4/2010)
2- Tổng Thống Nga Vladimir Putin:He who believes the communists has no brain. He who follows the communists has no heart.
Ai tin cộng sản, là không có cái đầu. Ai làm theo lời của cộng sản, là không có trái tim.
3- Tổng Thống Nga Boris Yeltsin:You can build a throne with bayonets, but you can't sit on it for long.
Communists are incurable, they must be eradicated.
Anh có thể xây ngai vàng bằng lưỡi lê, nhưng anh không thể ngồi lâu trên đó.
Cộng sản không thể nào sửa chữa, mà cần phải đào thải chúng nó.
4- Tổng Bí Thư Xô Viết Mikhail Gorbachev:I have devoted half of my life for communism.
Today, I am sad to say that The Communist Party only spreads propaganda and deceives..
Tôi đã bỏ một nửa cuộc đời cho lý tưởng cộng sản. Hôm nay tôi đau buồn mà thú nhận rằng: cộng sản chỉ biết tuyên truyền và dối trá.
5- Thủ Tướng Ðông Ðức Angela Merkel:The communists make the people deceitful.
Cộng sản đã làm cho người dân trở thành gian dối.
6- Tổng Bí Thư Ðảng Cộng Sản Nam Tư Milovan Djilas:At 20, if you are not a communist, you are heartless.
At 40, if you don’t abandon communism, you are brainless.
20 tuổi mà không theo cộng sản, là không có trái tim.
40 tuổi mà không từ bỏ cộng sản, là không có cái đầu.
7- Nhá Văn Nga Alexandre Soljenitsym:When a Communist lies to you, stand up and tell him that he is lying. If you don’t dare to say that he lies, walk away. If you don’t dare to walk away, do not recite the lie that you heard to anybody.
Khi thằng cộng sản nói láo, ta phải đứng lên nói nó nói láo. Nếu không can đảm nói nó nói láo, ta phải bỏ đi. Nếu không can đảm bỏ đi, ta sẽ không nói lại những lời nó nói láo với người khác.
8- Ðức Ðạt Lai Lạt Ma:The Communists are wild weeds that sprawl on the devastation of war.
The Communists are venomous insects that breed on the garbage.
Cộng sản là loài cỏ dại, mọc trên hoang tàn của chiến tranh
Cộng sản là loài trùng độc, sinh sôi, nẩy nở, trên rác rưởi của cuộc đời.
9- USA President Abraham Lincoln (Tổng Thống Mỹ)You can fool some of the people all the time, and all of the people some of the time, but
you cannot fool all of the people all the time.
Anh có thể lừa dối một số người trong mọi lúc, và lừa dối mọi người trong vài lúc, nhưng anh không thể mãi mãi lừa dối tất cả mọi người.
10- Tướng Mỹ Sheridan
The only good communist is a dead communist.
Thằng cộng sản tuyệt vời nhất là thằng cộng sản chết.
11- Tổng Thống Mỹ Ronald Reagan:How do you tell a communist? - Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin.
And how do you tell an anti-Communist? - It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.
Làm sao biết ai là CS? - Ðó là người đọc về Marx và Lenin.
Làm sao biết ai chống cộng? - Ðó là người hiểu về Marx và Lenin.
Statue of Lenin Toppled During Soviet Collapse

After the fall of the Soviet Union, the red marble statues of Lenin and Stalin, in Moscow, were pulled down.

Workers put on November 13, 1991 in Berlin to remove – using a crane – the granite head of the Russian revolutionary leader Lenin on the road.
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